Yan & Flora

Да, это ванночка с ромашкой. Я немного приболела на фоне стресса. И очень холодно в доме, поэтому приходится даже фен под одеяло положить и согреваться. Отопление ещё не дали.

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did you actually plan the house as a dacha only for the summer, or was it intended to be a permanent home?

Amazing how quickly your weather has changed. Only a few days ago you were running around the pool.

Вообще мы не планировали долгое время задерживаться здесь, потому что очень холодно. Много места и тепло не сохраняется. Хочется свобода, а не миллион вещей на теле.

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ok, I understand. It’s a pity actually, the house actually makes a good impression, but if it can’t be warmed up, it’s clear that it will be useless in the next few months

When you have had a few you may understand then, nothing is ever black and white.

Oh I know. You do not have to tell me :wink: :joy:

You are also a very bad one … :joy: :rofl:

Wow experienced eh :rofl:

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i do my best to live up to my reputation :stuck_out_tongue:
but it’s a s__t feeling when the messages come up. I always try not to attract negative attention. and when such mails come, b___d pressure rises first…

Ihre IP-Adresse wurde schon mal gesichert. :face_with_monocle:

Mal sehen ob es morgen bei Ihnen klingelt … :woozy_face:

yeah i’m not sure it was intentionally to cover the mirror or not we may never know but it was still funny how it was handled

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Yan back to the daily job :rofl: There is no Hope left for him :cry:


The couple Yan & Julia … nothing has changed…

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You might think Yan & Julia are the couple…


That would be amazing :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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Julia gets more “massage” in one evening than Flora in a week.

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Wouldn’t that be adultery :rofl:

There’s probably more truth in that sentence than we think…

It’s nice that Yan hasn’t given up on old friends just because his marriage is reconciled ! LOL

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