Yan & Flora

Happy Birthday Yan :partying_face:

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Happy Birthday💋

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Happy birthday!

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This little blonde is soo pretty.I see she keeps looking at the camera.

I think there should be a topic that is still open that talks about this subject. The subject has been talked about pretty much to death, at least for me. My comment was a joke. Maybe it was a little bit of an inside joke so I could see you thinking I was being serious.

You see how she has been treating Yan’s sausage now that she has a new webcam carrier. Do you think she would be giving the actual food any more attention. :thinking: :see_no_evil:

Ok but still why are you boiling carrots for 4+ hours?? :face_with_monocle: :joy:

Она большая и должна свариться внутри

So they are definitely soft now :crazy_face:

Happy Birthday Ian!!! :balloon::tada: :tada:

Happy Birthday Bday GIF by MOODMAN

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Are you making Ian homemade mushed carrot baby food for his birthday dinner?? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :flushed:

quel âge a-t-il?

Нет, это для салатов. Селедка под шубой, Оливье, рыбка в пруду

I think this is his sweet 16 birthday. Flora likes them young. :sweat_smile:

[quote=“Elian149781, сообщение:14724, тема:5686”]
quel âge a-t-i


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Like Aderyns noodle :rofl:

You have a pet fish named Olivier that you make wear a fur coat and now you will eat him for Ian’s birthday dinner!?!? :flushed:

Russian birthday traditions are very strange to me.

Happy birthday Yan :heart_eyes:

Happy Birthday GIF by Jelene


This is what DeepL does for me:

No, it’s for salads. Sledding, Olivier, fish in a pond

:confetti_ball: :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball: :pie: :pie: :pie: :champagne: :champagne: :champagne:

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