Haha personally I would rather see @ToreyK use that as his CB user name. I’m sure he would be able to cause far more trouble than I would be able to even think of.
Because she looks younger than that.in her one pose. That’s why!
Barbie a une longueur d’avance sur l’inscription. Flora va t’elle la rattr__er ?
you could try to hack her, her username should not be hard to find
and IF there is a password, it could be standard 0000 or 1234
but from al the models i been talking to and had a deeper discussion i know that its all fake, it vibrates yes, but the Oehhh Oehhh … Aaaaaaah Aaaaahhhh is fake
He can have it too when he wants
Maybe I should found a trademark and then demand license fees ?
How much you think the name jabbath1987 is worth?
only works at close range. the devices themselves only have bluetooth, the remote connection runs via an account and a smartphone app (which must be running) or a usb dongle on the pc.
you would have to intervene directly in the account. ok, if you use usernames that are easy to guess (cough) and insecure passwords… who knows what could be possible with that
Of course it is fake. Just by logical thinking it is obvious that in such a small thing the motor inside can’t be very powerful. People who tip for that are not the brightest candles on the cake
Over there your name is worthless…
maybe you can email to CB and set up a forum?
thsn you can moderate that also
Don’t tag me here… they are sharing pics from CB it’s against rule…
Did you already find it?
first of all you need token to talk is crazy ,i been on chaturbate for awhile and to pay for token to talk ,you want token right away ,
Maybe we can try logging in as Flora on CB?
i’m not saying i didn’t find it…even if you can’t search for users
Lol pay to chat? Wonder who is THAT stupid?.
after all, flora only has about 500 fewer users than barbie … these are going to be tough weeks. we’ll see if and how long she lasts
I want to see get her used by 500 users
You have obviously never even held one as your logic is flawed
Nah I do not have any use for them
Tyler just got their,