Yan & Flora

Yan is busy


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I don’t think this is the best “blowjob” is has ever given?

if everyone does this then I leave vhtv and resume chaturbate …

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Think flora must be a bit unhinged :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Yan walking off to tata​:rofl::rofl:

Did they get to big of a place for the views

Things at Yan and Flora have a tendency to break…

Flora after another hard day of web camming. :sweat_smile:

wash clash GIF by Clasharama

You forgot about Y+H, F+H, J+H, Y+H+F, Y+H+J, H+J+F, and Y+H+J+F

the moment of truth … but yan seems to have survived, this time at least :rofl:

did she already see how it happend?

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What do you think… :sweat_smile:


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certainly not at that point. I saw how he showed with a hand movement that/how the shisha fell over… but certainly not the exact process :wink:

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Ummm… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Maybe she should join f___es with the Neanderthal Vasya. They already have the same psycho look :joy: :stuck_out_tongue:

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we just wait until she reads the forum then :sunglasses:

Need Scott and his glue gun for this job. Don’t worry he will take it out in
Trade Flora :stuck_out_tongue:

What’s the record for shortest time a realm has gone online and then removed for VHTV policy v_______ns such as violence?? Whatever it is I’m sure a Flora & Vasya realm would break that record. :sweat_smile:

I bet10 bucks on Flora

btw: last night’s session ended with [565 tokens left], so at least 435 tokens taken… new record for Flora :wink:
the direction is right, but there is still a long way to go