Yan & Flora

Good to hear. I was concerned.

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What a coincidence isn’t it… :upside_down_face:

Back online.

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The curtain has raised let the panto begin. :man_facepalming: :rofl: :rofl:
Nina And The Neurons Thumbs Up GIF by CBeebies HQ


Toilet camera is pointing a bit high looks like guests were there last night and has messed with the camera.

this absolutely not nice ! what is with the 20 hours to midday??

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Были проблемы с интернет провайдером, сейчас все хорошо, приятного просмотра!

Thanks, hope we didn’t miss a whole lot :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Will the hot little blonde be back today? She’s a doll, baby!

Все ваши предположения оказались неправильными ) просто оборвался интернет. И у нас все гости совершеннолетние, а этот парень маленький как вы говорите, вообще мой ровесник

@anon10756158 can Julianna return she is missed

It was mentioned she has personal stuff to sort out but will be back sometime.

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@anon10756158 people are referring to the very small person (c___d) in this picture. There is no way he is close to the same age as you. :see_no_evil: :rofl: :rofl: So at least one of @Lennie185278’s assumptions is right. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

If they were working on the garden the outside cams should have been taken offline while the c___d was there.

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You can take that up with @Yan_Flora… I was just replying to their comment that all their “guests” were adults. According to them he was not a c___d. He was a very small adult. :sweat_smile:

I can see where the confusion happened, people had asked if Sunglasses was old enough. Seems like the gardener brought his kid along without realising what sort of website the cameras were used for. I wonder if Flora knew about this kid

Come on guys I know rules are rules but don’t make mountains out of molehills. The kid is not indoors there is no-one else in the garden and it is probably a one-off.

I have my doubts they even know the house they are renting is even on a website… Most people wouldn’t rent their home out to someone if they knew it would be featured in an “adult site”

We are not making a mountiain out of a mole hill. We are just replying to this comment:

There is no way that person is close to their age. :joy:

Well we don’t know anything about who owns the house so that is neither here nor there. But yes Flora should mention that the kid shouldn’t be around or organise the cameras to go offline.

She’s obviously not talking about the kid with the gardener

It is when you say the “gardener” didn’t realize what type of website this is. The gardener is most likely the owner…

Whether she realized it or not that was the person people were referring to as not being old enough to be on the site. Her response to the comment by Lennie was the c___d was a very small person close to their age… If you read my first comment, I let @anon10756158 know who the person (c___d) people were referring to.

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