Yan & Flora

She got dressed and left…. because she wanna break connection between viewers and herself…. as viewers kept talking about her……

I don`t know about now, i only assumed she did the same like yesterday when she turned the router off when arguing with Yan

Will check that

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no she their just before it went offline

Look like people will not stop their comments about her…. :sweat_smile:

This was the moment and time

Well she is very close to the router here…

i bet she likes all the attention deep down she knows nothings gonna happen

Let’s see what support thinks about that…

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Yan and Aderyn are at Guido home.

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Wow we ain’t still flogging this subject to death tonight.
Talk about trial by them who know nothing as that is what you lot know, nothing.
You know nothing about her reasons for her actions or if she was deliberately .provoked or whatever. So she gets upset easily and throws things, i am sure there are worse things in life that could and do happen
Humans aren’t perfect as i have said before, well unlike many on here of course.

Firstly, I was responding to your comment you made to me. Secondly, you do not want to get in a slanging contest than why did you comment to my last comment? I am not a sex ther____t but I have been with a lot of women so I think I know a lot about how to satisfy a woman. Aderyn sure doesn’t!

It is offline lol niw she wont stop after she found the button.

She is probably often close to the toilet but that doesn’t mean she wants to s__t herself :rofl:

Mhh I would say busted @anon10756158 :rage: :man_facepalming:

Hallo Jabbath1987,

es ist nach 22 Uhr in Deutschland und beinahe 30C noch warm. Ich mache es mir nun einfach und schreibe Dir in Deutsch, für Englisch oder Russisch bin ich zu müde.

Bezüglich Flora, wir wissen alle das sie recht temperamentvoll ist. Zudem scheint es so, das sie neben VHTV auch noch anderweitig arbeitet. Ob Yan noch zusätzlich was macht, das macht wissen wir nicht. Wenn man die russische Kultur kennt ist es eigentlich so, das der Mann für die Familie sorgt.

Man könnte sagen, Flora wusste das auch vorher woran sie bei Yan ist. Sie war zudem immer die Dame welche alles bestimmt hat.

Diplomatie in der Form wie man es in Deutschland macht, wo wir aufpassen was wir schreiben oder sagen und am besten noch Gendern, damit wir ja keine Personengruppe verletzten, das gibt es in Russland nicht.

Hier denkt man anders, es gibt klare Hierarchien, u.a. z.B. das man seinen Eltern niemals widerspricht und auch ein großes Obrigkeitsdenken.

And people still say she doesn’t need a course in anger management. :open_mouth: I rest my case!!!

FFS this ranting and trial by biased people has been going on for over 4 hours now.
Ain’t you lot got anything better to do than trying to degrade this women by your insinuations by opinons you know nothing about, its like a dog with a b___dy bone who doesn’t know when to stop.
All this is going to achieve is getting this place shut down by this continual character assassination of this women by you oh so perfect people. Perhaps you will all be happy then.
For gods sake give it a b___dy rest and go and watch something else which isn’t turned off :rofl:

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You can rest your case all you want but I sure don’t agree with it.

I won’t say no more now. Support has all the evidence and can act now…