Yep, you are missing doing this before your violent behavior
At Russia?? really?? you need to check youtube
to see how false is that
Ну если вы о том, что за деньги можно решить все. Тогда я скажу вам, что комиссию я проходила не за деньги)
No, not even talking about that. Maybe there it’s a usual tradition in your mind to achieve anything, but corruption isn’t the first thing on my mind when i’m talking about youtube videos showing russian dash cams
Flora n’a pas encore prit conscience de ses gestes violent. c’est pourtant simple de se remettre en question. allez Flora excuse toi et la foi viendra.
Видео на ютуб не могут же относиться ко мне. Если мы говорим о них, то это другие люди, которые сумели сесть за руль в плохом состоянии. Или возможно-это несчастный случай. Про это можно долго говорить. Нужно рассматривать каждый случай отдельно. Если речь идёт обо мне, тогда все что на ютубе не касается меня )
I was commenting this sentence of you cause clearly isn’t true. What doesn’t miss is that type of drivers in your country
I only commented on what I saw Flora which I considered to be threatening and aggressive. Ok you consider it to be normal behaviour and you don’t need to seek professional help in dealing with it. You say to me if I don’t like what I see then don’t watch it, I can say if you think you won’t like what you read on here, then don’t read it, it works both ways.
lol for the most part she doesn’t read what we say or let me change that lol she does but doesn’t commit lol it’s just recently that she has and if ask me lol and your not I want her to continue because they come close to every day than most of these other rooms lol now before everyone get up about what I am saying it’s just my opinion because I like the room even though aderyn gets on my nerves sometimes This room is still top 5 for me
But you are quite happy to bully VHTV into fining relatively ‘‘poor’’ tenants who earn a lot less than you do or possibly even get them turned out of their flat and their job.
It’s all about choices. Live & let live. Russian ethics and morals are very different fom those of the western europe.
I must admit i was as confused as Flora was when you started talking about russian dash-cams
we are even more upset if an apartment has a fine whatever it is, big or small or to remove someone from the apartment for not doing anything
everyone works where they want and there can be nothing wrong with that if you want, you help the apartment, if you don’t like it, move on
Well totally shows how ignorant you are when you not even see your stupid and c___dish behavior which can be even dangerous.
Do you even know you hurt the other places managed by @AlexLina whith your silly tantrums? All the fines you collect will hurt the other places in the best places contest.
@Amelie_Lucas you can “thank” Flora when you do not win the contest even when you rank number one. One might think the Russians bring even more trouble to the Ukrainians now…
Shame on you Flora
О каких штрафах ты говоришь ? Которых нет ?
Why are using country’s name here…? It’s against guidelines to insult participants like this…don’t u think so….
Well that name is really no secret…
all the people defending flora thats all fine but then you have to be consistent which doubt would happen especially if its a guy having a temper tantrum at a woman
theres no personal insult