Would someone in Russia please get this realm a good vibrator and a hitachi Wand!!
Ummm, nice strawberries.
At least now Torey can check the inside of his wife
inner values are important! although … it doesn’t really allow you to look that deeply at the moment
Can it get any worse?----------Probably
Remotely as well wow
Good show tonight! I liked the high heels. Sexy! The problem I have is Flora and Juliana not having an orgasm. Yan gets off at least once a day. Flora is sooo good to him! I want the two girls to have orgasms! I enjoy watching a women have an orgasm! They do everything for Yan to get off but not for themselves. It is not fair! They both were playing with their pussies after Yan got satisfied and they both got a massage and……nothing. I keep posting, “Would someone in Russia please get this realm a good vibrator and a hitachi Wand!!” I really think that’s what the girls need!
There’s a difference between liking it and being paid to like it. You can’t think we are that dumb to not know the difference, do you??
She’s getting paid for doing that?
I am torn between envy and sorrow for these couples , not just Yan & Flora but a lot of them, young people who can get by financially by just having sex. They don’t have to be particularly good at it, or often not even enthusiastic, but providing they can manage it almost once a day they do not have to go to work at all. They lay around playuing with their partners and if they get a little bored they call a friend and play with them . Would i have wanted to do that when i was first married at the ripe old age of 20 . Yes of course. Would my wife? i fear not. There goes the envy. The sadness is looking ten years down the road and wondering what these kids will be doing now. I admire Mira & Henry , Alex & anna even pathetic Ken for trying to make a business out of it. but what are yan and flora going to be doing when they are 40 . Sure i know some people like watching Granny sex but really every day !! Perhaps there should be a sort of national service where all young married couples have the option to do it for say 2 years . OMG make me 20 again. Is Yan in heaven or what ?
В 40 лет меня здесь не будет у меня уже будут дети. Вы думаете, что кроме вх я ничем больше не занимаюсь? Конечно у меня есть онлайн работа, иногда я работаю в офисе. Есть ещё какие-то дела. Было бы совсем скучно, если бы мы постоянно были дома как Астрид и Гвидо. Ленивец домашний:rofl:
В планах уходить в ближайшие пару лет с вх.
Juliana dancing
Hiii I hope you did not think i was criticisiing you. I started thinking about how much i would have enjoyed doing what you are now when i was first married. I then got to thinking about life in general and what will happen to you guys in the future, because this obviously is not for the long term. It is though i think a wonderful way of making more money if you can either work ffrom home or do part time work out.
I didn’t meant to upset you but as you are recently married you came immediately to my mind. XXX Good luck with all your dreams.
I wonder if this wanking of your penis is really an effective way of seducing
a girl and get to fuck her?
this place is the worse. and not getting any better!
her pusser is fatter then the steak I ate last night
Making fun of people based on their appearance is c___dish and very rude!