Yan & Flora


Juliana Lewinski? :crazy_face:



These trio again…:+1:t2:

Juliana dance….:heart_eyes:


That fat woman looks like Indira :fire:

Guido and Astrid with Malkus are so screwed up it’s not worth the effort to comment on them. Malkus is worse than Aderyn and that’s saying something!

So we have nothing else to do with our lives………you just took the time to comment. Don’t you have something else to do with your life instead of spending your time reading the forum and commenting? You must care because you took the time to comment!

Not very delicately put… :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:
She’s cute though, does she have a name?

Thank you for responding to my comment about Aderyn. Who wrote the response to my long comment? Was it Yan or Flora? I am glad you seem to have appreciated it. You stated, “it’s as if you wrote down all the words that I said yesterday here.” I wish I understood Russian because I would have really liked to have heard what you actually said. I did not accumulate what I wrote in my comment. I just started writing and could not stop! (Being a little _____ helped out!) I do feel sorry for Aderyn and I do not like to see him not trying to improve his life. Someone commented that as a subscriber you cannot be part of a realms life. Why not? You read subscribers comments and the comments become part of your life so I guess subscribers who comment are part of your life!
I like viewing your realm. You enjoy having company and I never know what is going to happen (except what happens when Aderyn meets a new girl – see Aderyn’s Guide to Having Sex). You and Yan make a great couple, you enjoy the lifestyle you live, Flora is beautiful and is really sexy and has a great body! I like that you follow and comment on your forum. I have never commented so much in a forum as I have with yours. Please keep up the good work. You two are a lot of fun to watch.

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I love chubby women, I was happy with the other time she appeared, she is very active and I hope she comes back often


June 28, 2022 Aderyn fucked Juliana (with Kara (clothed) Helping out Juliana). Let’s go to the scorecard (Aderyn’s Guide to Having Sex)

Scored as Follows: 1 – Did not meet the requirement of the Step. 2 –Started to meet the requirement and so on until a score of 10 (met the requirement). The lower the total score the better he did.

Step 1: No talking or having a discussion with the girl he wants to fuck. Score of 6. I wasn’t watching that closely but he did talked to them.

Step 2: The back and butt massage. Score of 0. Not applicable.

Step 3: Wait for Flora to suggest to the girl she should fuck Aderyn. Score of 0. She was not there.

Step: 4: Fuck girl in missionary position or from behind. Score of 7. He used both positions but started with sitting up and Juliana sitting on his dick.

Step 5: Touch her as little as possible. Score of 4. When they started he actually played and kissed her tits. First time I saw him do that. I’ll blame it on the position he was in.

Step 6: Do not ask what she would like. Score of 7. I think she asked for the sitting position when they started. He obliged.

Step 7: Do only what is required to cum. Score of 8. He went a little longer this time. I have a question for all of you. Did he cum earlier at the table? If he did it was the weakest splurge you could have!

Step 8: Pull dick when ready to cum, unless wearing a condom. Score of 10.

Step 9: When ready be sure to cum on her and try not to get any on yourself so he has very little to clean, unless wearing a condom. Score of 10.

Step 10: Walk away and do not talk to her. Score of 9. I think he said a few words.

Overall score: 61 Points. Average score of 6.1. Other than at first using the sitting position, it was basically an Aderyn fuck.

Comment: I really don’t know why she lets Aderyn play with her. Of course tonight I guess it was the other way around! She wanted it! Again, Aderyn did not have to do a thing and still got laid!

gets to bang girls without even having to try lucky guy

yep but maybe comment will smartened them up



Not necessary to hang in it… i receive mails on my pc.
U r right,but i dont spend time on it, just read sometimes funny things,by chance, from judges and screenwriters…
I sent 1 message and i have plenty mails.Sometimes i reply, sometimes no.This is the last, u r in spam now

The Boys :tv:

I think there setting up a new apartment ,Yan and Flora been gone a lot, Aderyn left for two days, when Guido was there Guido went out with Aderyn for 2 hours, at Astrid and Guido place nothing happening ,there keeping there food low, and doing nothing ,I think it will happen in the next 3 days

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:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


i find it fascinating how different juliana’s behavior is when kara is there. With flora she is much more relaxed than a few weeks ago, but when kara is there she really gets going. it’s fun and leaves you wanting more
now kara just has to learn not to cover the camera with her … broad back :wink:

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