You’re damn right I’m jealous!
I’m jealous of a person who:
• Does not work and survives.
• Has a free place to stay?
• Has others to do everything for him (food, _____, cleaning, get him girls, has frequent sex with the help from Flora.
• Is able to spend time with friends who have at least one girl in the nude most of the time.
• Does not have to talk to girls he never met but is able to fuck them. (No wining or dining required)
• Has a best friend that allows his beautiful wife, with her permission (or tells Yan she is going to do what she wants, he has no say), to be touched/fondled by Aderyn, is ok if wife gives Aderyn hand jobs, is ok if wife spreads her legs in front of Aderyn, also ok for his wife to be in the nude most of the time in front of Aderyn.
• Sits around all day, does nothing, waits for girls to come to apartment to party.
• S___ps in bed with a beautiful woman who will let him treat her like a toy.
• Is not a good sex partner and is not good at satisfying a woman but is still able to have frequent sex with women? Thinks he is Adonis and all women want him. (I would like to see what kind of luck he would have with women if Flora was not there to get women for him.)
Aderyn – when you read this rant please realize I am jealous of your life style for the reasons stated above. I want to live your life for one month. I think it would be an experience I would enjoy but my problem is I could never be a freeloader, lazy, have no personality or sense of humor, have no money, does not want to improve, does not have a job, and not care what women think of me, not care if I would satisfy a woman, and be sad and lonely! I do not know you, except for what I have observed on VHTV. I do not know the way you grew up, if you have siblings, parents. I know nothing about you. What I do know is Yan and Flora, Guido and Astrid, do care about you and like you. That’s a good thing. You are lucky to have such good friends. Also, some subscribers like you and feel it is none of anybody’s business the way you live your life. I just feel sorry for you because it seems you have nothing. What are you going to be doing 1, 2, 5 years from now? It seems you should be looking for a job everyday. Would not life be better if you had money and a job?, Your own place to live?, A real bed to s___p in? Please do something (you and Juliana) to better your life and let Yan and Flora live their married life without a homeless person living on their couch!
Did I state anything that is not true? I am sure I will get comments that will state, “Leave him alone. It’s not your business the way he lives his life.” I just hate to see someone waste their life. I had to say something. In a way I’m trying to help him out. He can take it or leave it. I think a lot of subscribers would agree with what I have stated……… I don’t think this rant will bother him at all!
Hey Timmy (from Kevin and Karina post #380) – does this answer your question - why does Aderyn get criticized?
Some people feel like they are entitled to be apart of these peoples lives and while I think the forum is a net positive some people on here need to take a step back and realize they are getting unhealthily attached and are assuming things about people they don’t know
If you Go back and look at the archives you will see for yourself that every female that he has slept with on here is not a female that he got for himself is what everybody else has done for him lol
NEED2p - So what if “Some of yall folk do wayyy too much and get wayyy too personal. #cringe”. You have your opinion, I have mine. I have watched this boy for months and I more than cringe everytime I see him. I finally had to state what I have observed. This forum is a discussion. This is my discussion about Aderyn. You made a statement about me. That’s ok. That’s your discussion/statement/opinion/view about what I said. I have to go now – I need to pee.
Francis – This is a forum which is where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged. I expressed by view about a person on VHTV. Part of being on VHTV is that a person knows that they can be talked about in this forum. Is that not why there is a forum? I do feel like I can be part of these people’s lives or there would be no forum. I also stated that I do not know Aderyn. I do not think I assumed anything about Aderyn other than what I have observed.
I wish I could but of all the realms this is one of the best. I like Flora, Yan and Juliana. Besides, when Aderyn has sex I need to give him a score. Subscribers and Aderyn look forward to it!
Nope that’s y I say go back and look because she put him for a long time I mean flora did because he wasn’t doing anything so if don’t see him for a wild then we know what happen lol
I don’t think Aderyn is much different from many of the people on this website, yet you don’t focus such negativity on them. You are right that this is a place to express ideas, but you must realize that also opens those ideas to the reactions of others. Several people have now posted that they grow tired of your incessant nitpicking of Aderyn. You are free to do so, and I’m free to say I think your obsession is unhealthy.
You are right - there are others. But the others are not part of Yan and Flora, and other realms I like. I like getting responses and reactions from others - good or bad - it’s part of the discussion. Keep up the good work! You are also right - I am so obsessed with Aderyn, uh, I can’t s___p at night!! LOL!!
interesting … you come to the computer in the morning, see 20+ new posts here in the chat, and nobody says a word about the fact that the guest in the apartment was the host for their own guests that night …
you guys are a strange bunch