Yan & Flora

So he has to find a new hobby

she was gone quicker than I expected. i just watched in the bathroom how juliana handed out a lot of cosmetic articles, as if she was making herself permanently at home…

and it looks like Aderyn is leaving

maybe she bought him and the computer is his only luggage :crazy_face:

She must have recently got a pay rise due to the recent days events :joy:

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What kind of bird is it? Parrot

I wonder if Juliana has a date?

With the couch?

in any case, she made a lot of effort in the bathroom …

“flora doesn’t need a marriage license, but a firearms license” …Wow I am impressed with her accuracy and arm strength - that was a perfect throw! They are a perfect couple, she throws like a man and he acts like a girl(sometimes)

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What is a Moments Operator?

They save the archive moments that people request here

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He’s at Step 1 of the Guide. Do not talk to her.


Step 1.1?


Find the error…
He finds the mobile phone more interesting …


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we have already seen several times that flora knows how to move. Juliana doesn’t make a bad impression either. but neither yan nor aderyn are really useful as dancers :wink:



Juliana is _____. I hope she finds the correct bathroom tonight.

she doesn’t look _____ to me. but she’s in a pretty good mood tonight
nothing left of the shy girl with no real awareness of her body from 2 months ago

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