Yan & Flora

hope you don’t mind that i keep on watching it?

Enjoy pal :pray::+1:

There sure are quite a lot of people commenting on this thread that “don’t watch the realm”:man_facepalming: :rofl: :rofl:

They all sure seem to know a whole lot about a realm they do not watch as well lmao.

Something extraordinary happened here last night?

Yeah Flora said Aderyn will be coming to visit! :partying_face:

Other than that no. They had a “threesome” with the new girl. Flora fucked the new girl with a strapon and Yan sat on the corner of the bed and jacked off. I don’t think he even got an hj from the guest girl. :upside_down_face:

Same old same old :rofl:

Good. So I missed nothing important…

Exactly best stay away :rofl:

How do you know what the same old same old is? :face_with_monocle: I thought you said you don’t follow this realm. :joy: :upside_down_face:

I used to watch a lot i pop in from time to time if the previews look interesting but leave disappointed very quicky most times

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It’s boring, because is predictable. You know what they (she) will do and what they don’t.

They don’t do any (natural) step further.

So, it’s understandable why people loose the interest on them.

Exactly that what i was saying same old same old nothing changes

Haha yeah that does sound like the “same old same old” around here. I was always amazed at how many views the realm would get from a bunch of people spread eagle sitting on a couch watching tv.

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Haha your right there beautiful pussy mind stunning lady just boring apartment

I mean when Yan got his dick sucked by a guy, I sure wasn’t predicting that would happen. :sweat_smile: But I get what you mean. Even that has become predictable now.

Hey guten Tag

Perfekt sehr schön

Are you a (badly programmed) chatbot? Because nothing you post here makes any sense or has more than five words :rofl::rofl::man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

Как быстро вы хотите все и сразу)) Так много неприятных комментариев… не думала, что первый раз должен пройти идеально :smile: дайте привыкнуть нам. У вас первый раз был как в 50 оттенков серого?:rofl: Я все читаю. Спасибо тем, кто поддерживает :innocent:


Откуда вы знаете что я буду делать сегодня ? Вы умеете предсказывать ?)

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