Seeing as how a picture of her was posted, I’m not one who generally likes to bring up past girls but I really liked Acy. I never really took an interest in any other girl besides her and Flora to some extent.
Reminds me of an eye test, is this better, or this!
Aderyn is here…
… This reminds me of when my Mom used to start an ANGRY sentence with the words…“wait until Dad gets home…” …and 6 hours later my lil sister would come running into my room with a great big happy grin on her face shouting all the way…“Daddy’s home!!! …Daddy’s home!!!”
but anyways … thanx for the info …
Looks like Yan had a great party!
Just he cannot remember anything about it :face_v___ting:
are thay waiting for Aderyn to walk in we will know soon 30 min,
where is Aderyn
he just packed and left without saying good bye
but where did he go ?
could have gone somewhere else offline, staying at floras was not ment to be permanent
it looks like they’re waiting for something Evelyn is there too alone
would they be waiting for Aderyn if he’s coming he should be there by now
they are wating for nothing
you’re absolutely wright they’re not waiting for anything or anybody
Evelyn visiting secong nite in a raw by herself, looks like it’s not working out with Bubba
Or maybe Bubba is painting their new appartment?
yeah,could be
Yan is getting some pussy
maybe the bs with everly was the final straw and aderyn finally decided to leave for good or at least take a break
For a minute by your reaction I thought he had someone else’s pussy, not the usual pussy!
Why you say that. He dis took is pc. So you might be right! Or he is going project or he is.going home.for a wile. Makes no sence bring the pc to Flora where it could stay at Guidos appartment.
Yeah if was only fucking Flora why the big surprise?