Yan & Flora


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Bubba & his new girlfriend -E :stuck_out_tongue:

Will he be able to have sex with her tonight? I think it depends on how much a_____l she will _____ :thinking:

How will he fuck her with a pussy… :rofl:

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She is dancing


Black t shirt girl is cute… :rofl:
Her boobs are bigger than everly… :stuck_out_tongue:

Wait….! With a more visit here she will open more… :sweat_smile:

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What is the main reason of aderyn and everly break up…. Is she lesbian type… :thinking:

it will be a sight to see, she barely moving during sex and he will not be able to perform with all the liqueur he drank plus his a big guy so i don’t think he got a stamina

But he fucked her well I saw…. It’s like she can’t take dick …. She screams a lot…. :sweat_smile:

when did that happend

Watch archive he fucked her hard…. She screams… :rofl: here in this apartment

you mean aderyn?

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He’s sorta like Junior .while she s___ping … undercover fingering action :stuck_out_tongue: must have watched some of his archives :laughing:

they were just FWB .not in a relationship!

I would replace that F by a P :grin:

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where is yan? is flora kicked him out or somthing?

something going on with F&Y lately. they slept separate and yesterday he was alon most of the day

Aderyn already got what he wanted from the girl, this big boy, he doesn’t need to have sex anyway, when he touches his neck, he passes out
