Yan & Flora

This is the best apartment going on right now. I’m so glad there’s life here again.

you tell me the name of your dealer thank you …

Poor girl, she _____enly throws herself at him and he spends all his time mostly trying to get hard or struggling to even find where to put it in

aderyn just tried to sit in the inbetween kent and everly and it failed :man_facepalming:

Looks like kent loves to steal Aderyn girls

flora is there any chance of aderyn and aylin to be together as i saw she was crying seeing aderyn with other girl may be she realised what she lost and still having feeling for him… :cold_sweat:

and aderyn don’t do s__t :man_facepalming:

say somthing confront her or him wtf

how the fuck I hate yan and such a born asshole .

to be honest i’m realy disappointed at everly i didn’t think she is the type to do s__t like this.

she kinda did the same thing when they were at astrid and guidos place

i didn’t see her behave this way before. she kind of ignore him and get close to others

yes thats exactly what she did she kept pushing aderyn away yet she had no problem with astrid touching her and i think she begged aderyn to go to bed so she could be alone with astrid too and aderyn just accepted it

he keep choosing the worng girls for him

Why you say that?

As always Aderyn is a good guy and he laks balls, ppl do what they whant with in and he lets it. Needs to loose a litle and dont give a fuck, what comes to the net its fish and we eat it.

he should have chose alicia she actually looked like she was attracted to him

behind his back

and kent look innocent but he is a snake.

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I’m sorry but aderyn I only see him as a jerk and that’s it … and then yan is just a puppet of flora …