I was hoping you’d guess…it’s Yan!
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This has made my day!
Given the opportunity, I think so!
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She’s very hot.and comfortable with that smokin body dancing and so
Is Flora. I am sure we will see a lot more of her
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Pure perfection…even when shaved!
Let’s see if the manager evolved the puppet show.
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19 posts were split to a new topic: On editing posts by Jabbath to convert to galleries
I Will renew my suscription today just for him and Artem. I want a realm for Artem
How about the 2 of them sharing an apartment?
I doubt they even know each other though.
That is my dream hehe, but Aderym is +3GMT and Artem +7GMT, around 4000 km of distance.
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Yep, not entirely practical, is it?
Doesn’t the soap smell good?
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I would imagine so…sadly I haven’t been able to get close enough to find out!