Yan & Flora

You would think they’re twins, wouldn’t you :grin:

A very similar level (Like an egg to a chestnut) and Yan is Keiran Lee… :rofl:

Lonely cowboy, you’re swinging the lasso up, down
bandicam 2022-01-11 20-05-16-735

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New guest?

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the new guest must be for

Why? If so she’s in the wrong place and it doesn’t look like he’s moving anytime soon

Да, это подруга Astrid, ее зовут Muse


Скоро Адерин и Муза придут к нам вместе в гости


so Aderyn will be there to dry pump guido if he does not do that maybe he can get the other girl

Astrid friend is leaving to bad she nice

if she can replace ghuizro i don’t care his name will be nice this place need something new even flora look boring and tired to have him at her place this guy is homeless he ner return home

The blond girl that was on the door is a nice catch for Aderyn , he might forget Aylin witch is making im be like a puppy.

:grinning: Музы — Википедия (wikipedia.org)

I hope that the patron goddesses of the arts, Aderyn, teaches in the art of relaxation. :rofl: :joy:

It’s not the blonde girl, this is Muse

The only question is, does Aderyn already know his “muse” or does she still have to use her arts to enchant Aderyn. :joy:

For sure another setup by Flora…

This one

That was clear, but has the setup been able to sniff before or is the “Blind Wedding”

I’m pretty sure that’s Acy in your photo who was with Guido before he was with Astrid it’s the other girl who was there tonight