Yeah, but I don’t think she would. there is a better chance that Flora fucks him, if he is not gay
Perhaps the reason why she was “fired”. She didn’t want to get involved with the weirdo
good for her. or maybe Yan wanted to be in an open relationship, he has been fucking around quite a bit. we just have to wait and see if Flora follows the same pattern or if she is more or less like Hope. she definitely seems to be wilder than Hope.
He was peacefully s___ping a short while ago when I checked.
Yeah, he made a liar o me not long after I posted, he put on the TV and then just fell as___p immediately like someone hit the power down switch. Wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if he uses the same charging cable as his phone.
Flora on the other hand is clearly the replacement for the fucking Eveready batteries bunny.
Careful Tweeky you might overload your circuits.
Where is Aderyn???
I sincerely hope he isn’t replaced. He just needs to be given a chance ( a proper one) to settle in and at least TRY to relax. Not easy of course but not actually impossible, either.
Opino lo mismo, a mi me encanta él espero que le den una oportunidad.
Who said anything about him being replaced? I was just being silly. The guy obviously has a home and a life to go back to. Clearly just a friend who spent a couple of days with Yan and Flora but had pressing engagements.
I expect Aderyn, Malkus and Alanis Ponyset** will all return at some point.
(**just my pet name for her as she hasn’t been given a name. No disrespect intended)
People complained and I think he left
What happened to Aderyin?
Woow yo soy gay pero el cuerpo de esa chica me hace sentir heterosexual increíble belleza
I took that, in the context of him not doing very much, as a (slightly sarcastic) reference to Aderyn but I apologise if i misunderstood who you were in fact talking about.
Lol, I saw the above photos and was thinking the exact same thing, “I am gay but she is hot!”