Yan & Evelyn

support said they expect her not to be back but yan is coming back he just needs to find a new girl while he is on "vacation’

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not like she will be missed, she did f all anyway and was always clothed and boring af to watch.

Time will tell if the next project that Yan has with a yet unknown partner succeeds in the future. :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:

We could forget Evelyn very quickly. if he keeps this place
and continues hooking up with girls. Like the one he was hanging out with yesterday
at A&A place :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: maybe Myra or the gorgeous hottie
that was there the other day :heart_eyes:

It all depends on the chemistry between them and how they interact together.

not, looking for a love story with him. just a hookup
could be fun :stuck_out_tongue:

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I didn’t mention a love story but look at Yans past relationships to see if they are compatible or the potential realm is likely to drop by the wayside. I wish Yan all the best for the future.

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Yan was net van alles aan het inpakken zou hij dan toch naar Evelyn gaan ??? Hij is in ieder geval niet bij Lola

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I don’t know about that because when she did fuck yan did know how to make it rain :umbrella: lol



Ik zag het. Dat betekend dus geen Evelyn meer.:sleepy::sleepy:

Don’t forget that Yan used to share an apartment with Otto and Lola many moons ago.

otto & lola yan&evelyn


I told ya she’s not going anywhere :stuck_out_tongue:
Maybe a little shy. but she loves the attention .reminds me of Val
She was very shy at first but came out of it :heart:
Great to see you gorgeous :yum:

Ze kan Yan toch niet loslaten. Hou teveel van hem denk ik.

@Yan van bármilyen információ arról hogy mikor nyilik meg az új birodalom ?


Evelyn : every day we are a little braver

I think it’s very sexy too

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hello @Yan_and_Evelyn örülök hogy folyamatosan láthatlak csinos vagy mint mindig:)

she takes a shower with her clothes on…way is she here