I want to wish you the best of luck in your future. I wish you success , happiness and lots of love.
Live your life to the fullest, Keep smiling, Be good to others, spread love and positive energies because you will receive them back.
Always remember, love doesn’t cost money, it’s free…
You are so beautiful when you are both happy.
I wish you much love in your next life and that this decision will be the happiest one.
Evelyn, you’re beautiful when you’re not upset.
They are with shared sorrow and joy I see you go. Sad that you are leaving the project, you were the couple I had as my favorite and watched the most. Glad you have the courage to make this decision and I think this will make you stronger as a couple. I just want to thank you Yan and everlyn for letting us be a part of your everyday life. They have been an absolutely wonderful journey
Yan en Evelyn ik wens jullie heel veel liefde en geluk in het verdere leven hoop dat jullie er samen uitkomen zonder ruzie .Jullie waren mijn favoriete koppel vanaf de eerste dag dat jullie samen waren hele nachten naar jullie gekeken wat ik heel erg gaat missen. Het gaat jullie goed xxx
I’m going to miss you seeing ur beautiful face @Yan_and_Evelyn
roller coaster
It’s a shame that these two are leaving probably because of all the negative & attacking comments here in the forum towards Evelyn because she’s a bit shy by people that hide behind a keyboard give yourselves a round of applause
who’s the next target?
Best of luck to you Yan & Evelyn

I don’t think they will stay together as a couple, maybe as good friends or even ‘friends with benefits’ The farewell was cool! From a distance bye…
you give us too much credit ,we are not that important to them.
the real reason they leaving is simple , she is not comfortable here and she said it a lot of times before.
unlike you and others i am not afraid to name and shame. The 3 main culprits @John78 @Mohrchi @jabbath1987 bullied evelyn just because she was a bit shy about showing her tits and was not flora. Threatening to report to support for hiding from the camera and she will be fined, calling her a scammer, drama queen, and saying she does not belong here. Well now that’s she is leaving i hope you three are happy. Special mention to @andre85 who said i was the only one who liked evelyn well look at all these beautiful messages of support for her, you were wrong.
James. I think that Evelyn was unsuited to living in an apartment that is being broadcast 24/7. This is akin to living in a goldfish bowl. I also think that Yan didn’t provide the support to Evelyn when the realm opened. Instead of nurturing their relationship on a one to one basis a lot of friends were invited to the realm and their behaviour may have been unfamiliar to Evelyn. Also the relatively quick opening of this realm from the break up of Yan and Flora may also have been a contributory factor. I hope that Yan and Evelyn do remain friends after their departure.
Man, wake up! What you see is what’s going on. Say goodbye to your dream princess.
Yeah but it’s not nice to read a lot of hurtful messages that have been posted here.
I would have said that it’s funny when reading “some” particular comments here and now, but in reality it’s very, very sad.
Some people really do have a short memory and no shame, not going to name, they know who they are, what they been saying about Yan and Evelyn relationship from the very beginning, how it is/was Flora’s making, but deh, easier to blame others
Anyway, i wish @Yan and @Yan_and_Evelyn all the best in the future and to succeed in whatever projects they want to start/do
thats fine if you think that even though she was very familiar with yans friends because before they opened a apartment together she and yan were at A&A apartment a lot of times but thats not what i said is it i was talking about the bullying so i dont know why you did not do a separate message instead of replying to me
With getting a from yours truly it must mean he likes giving hurtful messages
Reactions are a result of their performance, if they introduce themselves as a couple, that they behave as a couple.
The reason that I replied directly to your post was that you specifically mentioned just one factor and that was the only factor that was responsible for the closure of the realm. I was pointing out other what I believe are salient points that may or may not have been contributory factors for them to reach this decision. If I am wrong I will of course apologise for any offence that may have been caused.
no you were respectful and kind so theres no problem