Yan & Evelyn


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Bien sure mon ami, je sais tout :wink:

szerintem most Yan szokåsosnål elutasitobb mintha télleg azt akarnå hogy vége legyen

Yan heeft gisteren nog een knuffel aan haar gegeven. Een hondje. Staat op haar nachkastje

és ma ? azért ma is tehetne valamit

Hhhhhhuh huh well i need to

håt kérem szabad a våsår Evelyn el ment

Yan rossz Ă­gy lĂĄtni tĂ©ged. szomorĂșan Ă©s magĂĄnyosan. ez nem te vagy.hol van a rĂ©gi Yan?

@Yan Cheer up boy, might the right time to call Ava or Ruba for a visit :wink:

evelyn went to her parents to shower?


I guess at some time she has to wash under that bra or it will stick on by itself without needing the straps :joy: :joy:

actually she just takes her bra off and turns to wash but you already know that you want to mock her

she has showered here plenty of times in the apartment so i don’t see why she would do that

Hey Jabbath, I think you’ve got a boil on your ass. Get rid of that, it doesn’t look nice

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you find a teenage girl on the toilet which is suspect, and a woman abusing a man funny so i would be quiet if i were you

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You are joking right :thinking:

Normaal komt Evelyn na 3 uur weer thuis als ze bij haar ouders aan het douchen is maar nu niet