Yan & Evelyn

I don’t blame the girls, they were being mucked around and ______ all night by Yan and the other two guys other than Clark Kent. During the game of “hide the phone”, one of the guys hid Estelle’s phone down his pants which was kind of funny but really just immature.

Laughing Out Loud Lol GIF by Minions

Good Day @Yan how is yo head this morning? :rofl:

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Cleaning in the House :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Kevin is moving all his stuff out. maybe others will next
move someone in more exciting or close!

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I hope he not moving in to Aderyn, there no room and he bosses everybody around ,time for Yan to get out of the project, this is his 3 place 6 weeks,

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кто остается здесь?

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@Yan and @Yan_and_Evelyn Happy Holiday :hugs::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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yes it’s time for him to move on in life he’s just making a fool of himself that gal is running the show into the ground the apt is just a place for her to ack big-timer on the weekend with her friends but she knows all she has to do is suck his dick on Monday and shes good for the week. :moneybag: :moneybag: :moneybag: :moneybag:

Happy Simon Cowell GIF by America's Got Talent

Is the 24-48 rule still in effect? the place has been abanded for a while:stuck_out_tongue:

the apartament empty since yesteraday and Yan is playing with Guido w AA

I don’t know what the relationship status of Yan and Evelyn is, whether they’re together or not or if they’re trying to work it out or whatever, but the unfortunate truth is that Evelyn on her own is not very interesting to watch. I like that she has friends but all her friends are really boring. She doesn’t have parties, none of them are adventurous. And before the white knights attempt to crucify me, no I’m not saying she needs to have orgies or anything like that, but she still showers with her clothes on… like wtf? No _____ing games, no fun little strip party games… nothing. Just stares at her phone, watches TV and s___ps, and that’s just when she’s here… which isn’t even that often.

Yan at least is down to do exciting things but his problem is that he’s never home and would rather spend time with Aderyn and Guido, which ultimately makes me wonder why anyone should watch this apartment.

Well, the next rent has to be paid, and since there are always people who find out that the apartment is empty, they clicked on it anyway… so let’s go… :joy: :joy:

You can look at the preview pics and see that nothing is going on in an apartment. You don’t need to click on it to see. And even if someone did, once they see the apartment is empty, they immediately click away, which generates no money. Who exactly is watching an empty apartment for hours at a time?

A camera can be seen in the thumbnails. If (as is currently the case) the bathroom is displayed, one cannot automatically conclude that there is no one in the other rooms. To do this, you have to call up the realm and click through all the rooms once. Especially in THE apartment, since Evelyn likes to be buried under the covers in night mode…

Rule has been for 48 hours but it may have changed as there are some realms that are only open on certain days now.

Rule did not change. When they only open on certain days they are offline and not online empty…

Ah I c. :+1:

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