Yan & Evelyn

Can somebody give me a timeline?

I think it is gone, it was when Flora visited K&B, not last night, my bad

No problem, you have given me enough insight into the situation.

Pfuuu, to break down in front of your girlfriend at the sight of your ex-girlfriend/wife…ouch. Kingdom for Evelyn’s thoughts at that moment…

I believe it was difficult for both. I don’t envy anything.

This was my firt thought as well…but, then, i remembered that Y&E are the most business partners and i just smiled

I apologise in advance for any melancholic posts I may have made, so much grief and sad stories accumulate in the soul during this period that tears often shed of their own.

And in a year as difficult as this one, it doesn’t take much.

My advice from the bottom of my heart, love yourself, love and hug your loved ones, tell them how much you care for them. Because you never know when it could be the last time.

Be aware of how lucky you are, because many are not. Do not take things for granted.


Я сам не могу понять, что у нас происходит между нами


If you’re interested in my advice, I don’t think Evelyn is the girl for you. You’re used to parties, hanging out with friends, massages, nudity.

Evelyn is an ok girl, but not for you. You limit each other in what you want to do. In my opinion, you should turn your relationship into a friendship and move on. I think right girl for you is still somewhere out there.

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Я тоже так думаю, что нам лучше остаться друзьями)


It is your life and your decision :blush:

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На счёт моих слез, это никак не касается флоры, просто совпадение!

In the meantime, your friends are waiting for you. You are not a person who accepts loneliness well.

Да мне становится грустно, и скучно)


Understandably, you’re young. And it’s time to take life by the spoonful.

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i better not see the people who were making fun of yan yesterday in the lyla and wayne topic all of sudden come here and pretend they care about the guy just to make themselves look good

I agree with this, Flora and Evelyn are the complete opposite to each other

Моё настроение тогда просто совпало с появлением флоры на сайте

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У флоры уже давно своя жизнь, а у меня своя)


It’s quite normal that after a divorce to need time and recover emotionally. Some people do this quick, other need more time. Strictly in my opinion, you don’t seem ready to engage in another deep relationship at this moment. Also, in my opinion the best thing to do is to hang out with friends, party, meet new people (girls), the bigger the number, the better. If someone is right for you, you will know it at that moment without any doubts

Yan, no one will believe this, not even me. And it doesn’t even matter, Flora is living her life now and you are living yours. You don’t need to apologise to anyone. You know what’s inside you and what you want.

As is true for all stages of life, you are only young once.

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Я хотел быть с эвелин, но у нас все плохо получается.