Yan & Evelyn

مرحبا اليوم جيد لك نتمنى كل يوم

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:ok_hand:t4: :+1:t4: :+1:t4:

Die Estelle heeft nog het verstand van een 14 jarige

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Is Yan returning the favour with a gift for Evelyn ? :thinking: :fire: :innocent:

So Yan is at Aderyn house and he leaves so that Evelyn can s___p with others guys! Well thats really fucked up, insted off her friend s___p with those guys, no she is the one that is going for it. Yan must really like to have is forehead decorated lol

Yan is al 2 dagen het huis uitgezet

Another night of teasing ?
I am 100% sure Estelle won’t do anything cus she was afraid the we will even see her boobs yesterday.

And Evelyn will probably won’t do anything as well.

So yes… another night of teasing indeed

En ik denk dat Everyn niks doet gisteren ook niet

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I hope Yan has sex with a nother girl on Aderyn house helping raising the viewers there. Evelyn friend what a nun lol


A post was merged into an existing topic: Alicia & Aderyn

trio infernale + aderyn :wink:

Very nice way to treat the guests :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:


Let the escort arrive lol Yan will make sure that she will go to fuc… destination haha

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That’s the only way we might see some action in here

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it’s just an idea…

but shouldn’t this realm have a different name?

It’s almost never Yan and Evelyn

Yan or Evelyn would be a better fit I think

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True. This is a really strange couple. Yan leaves for her to bring friends and those friends are to make up with her, i dont give a dame but its very strange on a relationship. We see couples swap etc but for a companion to leave so that she might let laid, well he love to have a heavy head. Look at her friend she is well reserved a big diference between Yan friends and Evelyn ones.

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That’s the best one I read this week.


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:yawning_face: :yawning_face: :yawning_face: :yawning_face: :yawning_face: :yawning_face: :yawning_face: :yawning_face: :yawning_face: :yawning_face:

Evelyn, throw out this misbehaving, bullying guest guy, please!
He almost manhandled Estelle (maybe just for fun, nothing serious),
started a fight with the other guest guy and attacked the cat with
some kind of bat (not seriously, though).

Otherwise, I don’t understand why Evelyn is having these guests while
Yan is not there? They don’t have any sex, not even kissing only some
casual closeness.

this guy is such asshole. stop beating women and cat.