When, now?
5 minutes ago, they were running around the living room. Screaming. And bickering.
17:54:10, the forum won’t let me upload images.
Yes, i have seen it now, wasn’t that bad. You should have seen the one on L&W last night, Jesus Christ…
I saw something at L&W. What happened in the end?
I think the upload feature is simply disab__d at the moment…
They went to s___p, looked like whatever it was, it was sorted.
acces denied…
@Yan_and_Evelyn maybe Musya want’s to play as well with your new friend
@Yan_and_Evelyn can we have a photo of the new furry guy and the name please?
Oops, looks like Musya and the little one have already met
new pet, guest, or christmas present for musya, that is the question
I suspect that Musya likes your comment
Yan must be an ass hole because he seems to piss all his girls off
Good that at least one of them is mature enough
Sorry I don’t, it was just a popup, no link. Try using Chrome for a while you may get the same popup, I have tried googling it but no links.
In this constellation, Tom & Jerry would actually be the appropriate names…
Hopefully Jerry won’t have to be replaced more often…
Thanks a lot for trying. I’ll give Chrome a shot…although, I don’t like it.