Why nothing happens anymore?

sometimes I’d like to be like you always positive about anything…(don’t take this the wrong way but I don’t know if you do this to avoid discussions in the forum or are you like this in real life too)

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Pacer is about the only one here who is seemingly so nice that he can even get me to look like a rude and insensitive guy. A bit of a grumpy old fart. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :kissing_heart: :joy:

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don’t tell me…( of course you know my previous discussions with robwin)… :wink:

I’m like this in real life and when I joined this forum a couple of yrs ago I just transferred it to the forum​:100: cause I have some much respect for VHTV and the ppl that run forum and moments section and everybody on here I don’t get to see anything and I appreciate the opportunities that I do get so I just go with the flow of the site :hugs::100:


sometimes I wish I could be like you especially in real life (always be positive in life is always good) I unfortunately as a character never succeeded especially in difficult times in my life…

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Pacer, I would strongly urge you to continue with your genuinely positive attitude to life. I admire this thing very much about you. :kissing_heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Pacer’s glass is always full, never needs a refill - :smile:

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Yeah. As I say I very much admire his basic mindset to life. Undoubtedly. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_on_fire:


I cculdn’t have said it better.

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Ok so I guess you are telling me I just have to make a ticket like everyone else is always told to do about all the stuff they talk about and I guess select other payment questio? Then I guess I have to wait and keep checking until I get a response

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It won’t take long, considering our support is the best in the industry and beyond.

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What industry are you referring to exactly?? :face_with_monocle:

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Adult entertainment. I would bet we do one of the best support in streaming industry overall too.


“Adult entertainment” so in a more direct/blunt description it would be called porn. Thanks for the clarification!

I would 100% agree. VHTV’s customer service really knows relieve a users stress and leave them bursting in satisfaction. :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops:

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Say what now?

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Do you not agree?? :open_mouth:

Can you name another porn site that gives better customer service than VHTV… I can’t.

Do not worry too much my friend. I have found those that are always positive in real life are either lying or low IQ. Life is messy, life can be hard. Being positive 100% of the time is unnatural. Real life is about balance. Sometimes there are highs and sometimes there are lows. That is the beauty of being human. :hugs:

I agree, “Only in the Darkness can you see the Stars”

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