Totally wrong, the apartments are NOT funded by default or beforehand from our subscriptions. This is totally managers decision and funds. If they are happy with what funds the apartment is generating ( from Vhtv and/or other extra activities), it is totally on them to decide. Nothing to do with any of us. We can watch or not and that’s it.
She might be paying for the apartment using the Barter system
I am surprised at such a naive response. What you seem to be implying is that if all subscriptions stopped the managers might just carry on. Doesn’t wash sorry. Also, how can you watch if there is nothing to watch.
Man, nobody here is subscribing to one apartment, we pay a streaming platform to unlock the cams from a very wide selection of apartments. Therefore, we have access to all of the apartments and not at only one, which means that we can choose what we like to watch. Some people watch her, some not. There isn’t any “to do list” if becoming a participant on Vhtv. They do what they want and same do we, we watch or not.
I still maintain that a tenant who chooses to cam on another company platform entirely whilst still flying the VH banner is short changing both subscribers, managers and VH as a corporate entity. Yes, some tenants have sidelines/day jobs but their first loyalty is to VH.
I think we shall have to agree to disagree on this one.
For this place one camera in bathroom would be all what is needed
I have been watching her today, and wow, she is a beauty.
Here she is in her evening shower.
There is a lot of potential here. I’ll be watching.
Yes, you can watch it. That’s about all you’re going to see is her in the shower or hitting her bed or Tami that’s it nobody has come over there to visit except for this female and she was on a computer doing something that she does nothing else.
I know that may be true, but I think there is potential to change in the future.
She needs help setting up those cameras. It looks like she is there alone. The manager should go over and install them properly. The cameras appear as if she was handed them and did her best to figure it out, but the result is lackluster.
I have been through hard times and had to claw my way out several times. I don’t want to judge this young woman too harshly before she has even had a fair shot.
I choose to give her a chance and watch and others are free to make their choice.
And I hear what you’re saying and I would think differently if she was new, but she is not. She started out in Carmela‘s room and she was there. I want to say for at least a month maybe two and she had a couple of guys to come over when she was there and she had sex with one person And since she’s gotten her own place, she has done just what you see nothing more if she does I will be shocked at this point lol
I might even understand that girl. She was probably used to earning money at various chat events, and now it’s not going very well. So she agreed to the offer of that almost bald manager who told her to live as she’s used to. Well, she probably doesn’t bring friends over; maybe they’re not exhibitionists, or she doesn’t want to tell them what she does for a living. But the fact that she’s completely nonchalant about the fallen cameras really pisses me off. The camera angles are terrible; they should really point it out to her.