Big loss also Fedya, now we have Elliott with is laptop in bed yippee
pilar may come back you never know ,the main thing that Tessa is here again
a musical dedication for dilara I hope she sees it with a romantic song by a Greek artist
How much, how much
how much I loved you
how much I loved you
you’ll never know
From life, from life
you passed from my life
and you faded away and disappeared
as the passports
and wild birds
How much I loved you,
you’ll never know
And if you don’t expect to see me
and if you don’t expect to see me
Me too, how will you come back?
you of my first dream
sweetest breath
Forever I will sing it,
I will sing it forever
and you won’t know,
how the moments you gave me
they deserve a life
How much I loved you,
you’ll never know
Diavaza to aggliko stixo kai lew poio sto kalo einai auto. Pantws file de lew kalh na th vlepeis alla mexri ekei
erotas einai
Toumpano de to suzhtw alla gia pidima kai telos
bazo kai sinestima ligo
Oxi re oute kan mono sta tessera th vazei ki autos. Egw protimw th lexi einai kaluterh pio kinhtikh, auth edw kathetai kai ton trwei apla:joy:
ti simasia exei pleon efyge teleiose ayto
what is your twiiter name tessa? if you dont mind me adding it
Another kitten
Needs a hallway cam
daria and amalia
@Tessa can you add a hall way cam?
Guys, it is summer holiday, off course students are going back to them families for the summer, wtf
guys I’ve been watching this new white house but don’t seem to be able to see the president
@Tessa declared Susi is the President.
Sometimes when there is no hall camera maybe there is no hall or it’s small.