I think the biggest advantage is that, thanks to the open borders and the identical currency, you can travel to neighboring countries easily and unbureaucratically… with the exception of individual countries. As someone who grew up in the GDR, I appreciate that… even though I’m lazy about traveling and don’t really take advantage of it
I’m curious, Gollum. Why would you want to visit a country ruled by a dictator? You might inadvertently run afoul of one of their laws, be detained, and not be able to leave the country. Or, end up in jail, or worse.
Turkey is a popular holiday destination now for us brits, think it has possibly overtaken Spain now in popularity.
It’s Turkey, not an ottoman empire. Turkey is ultra modern country, especially big cities like Istanbul, packed with cultural heritage and kind people. There is no khalifat ruling there, chances you are breaking the law are as same as in your own country.
Not been myself yet but all the people i know that have visited Turkey have nothing but high praise and good things to say about it and very friendly people.
Great hotels and resorts and yes, much heritage to enjoy
And very low prices very important… I am from Greece but I Have to talk the truth
We have been to Greece as well and found it a beautiful country
Italy is also very nice and very unspoilt.
Yeah, it’s Turkey. There may not be be a Caliph, but there’s a dictator. A dictator has absolute control over a country, and he typically got that control through f___e.
What a dictator says is how it is. No discussion, no argument. You could break a law in a dictatorial country and pay very high consequences. Or, he could change the law on a whim, and you end up paying even greater consequences.
Putin is a dictator. How many of you would want to live there, or even visit?
A dictator is bad news for running a country, IMHO.
I’ve been to Turkey about 12 times now… always found the people very friendly, especially if you learn a few words/phrases of Turkish. (I speak quite a bit after so many trips).
The taxi drivers are crazy… e.g. driving the wrong way up a dual carriageway away from your hotel, so that they don’t have to go in the ‘wrong direction’ to the next roundabout to turn back for your chosen destination… driving at 80kph just 3 feet from the car in front! I was scared s__tless (almost).
Only thing I would say is to avoid 2 resorts (as of 2014) -
Lara Beach is full of ‘all inclusive’ hotels with not much else outside the hotels, and a high percentage of Russians (Henry & Mira went there on their last vacation before the big split). The beach is not up to much either… coarse sand shelving quickly into the sea.
The other resort, sadly, is now Side. This used to be a great resort with lots of bars/restaurants, but now most of the hotels are also all inclusive, with the result that the bars and restaurants have closed down due to lack of trade, to be replaced with ‘tourist tat’ shops and ‘fake’ clothing outlets. Side town though, is quite good, if you get off the one main street - full of old Turkish buildings, and Roman ruins, some still left lying in the footpaths. The beaches here are pretty good too!
There are Dictators & Dictators, not all are the same, likewise like there are Presidents & Presidents, & Prime Ministers & Prime Ministers.
There are good and bad in all of them.
For example, my wife is not a bad person
i dare you to call her one to her face
I only share it with you who are my accomplices
Something like that
And we sure are not alone
I’m from Denmark
Saint-Petersburg, Russia.