🚧 We're migrating to New version of VHTV

Yes there are still many problems which many in VHTV are just refusing to accept are there and it has really pissed me off.
It certainly is not the attitude to take saying i’m all ok lets ignore everybody else.
That’s one of the reasons i have stopped subscribing as no one seems to care that much now, apart from the fact that most of the apartments now are boring as well unless you like watching b___dy cats and naming them :rofl:


Because the software of the forum is still the same. Easy as that.

As you still did not provide any further evidence to your problem it is impossible to see what you mean. Nobody else is reporting such massive problems with the timeline like you do.

Ah komm sind wir hier bei der Polizei oder vor Gericht ? Es gibt einige hier die sich ĂŒber die Timeline beschweren dass sollte Beweis genug sein! Die haben wohl kein Bock mehr was zu sagen weil sie die Schnauze voll haben !

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Du hast alles richtig gemacht . Ich hatte dass Pech dass ich mein Abo kurz davor verlÀngert habe sonst hÀtte ich auch nicht verlÀngert .

Zumal die hier auf nichts eingehen oder mal eine kurze Info da lassen . Ich hatte mal ziemlich am Anfang gemeint man sollte den Abonnenten die Wahl geben zwischen neu und alt dass wÀre dass beste , und ich glaube technisch auch möglich

So it’s just a figment of our imaginations then i suppose,Easy as that eh. :roll_eyes:

No. Sorry you are the only one reporting such massive problems. If this was a global problem a lot more people would report here.

As the login issues are now fixed the only issues remaning are sometimes soem hickups with the timeline. No severe errors.

Any problems with forums have nothing to do with the update and can be disregarded and as it is alway the same people here you can assume that most likely the problem is on their side.

Yeah yeah always our fault, such good customer relations eh. :man_facepalming:

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Geez. If you read only once what I said you would understand. I do not deny you have problems logging into the forums but it was nothing to do with the update of the software of the main site

Imagine your internet router gets a software update. And shortly after your toaster stops working. Would you think this is connected somehow? The same way it is here.

Wie immer halt der Kunde Schuld. LĂ€cherlich

Most likely. If it was a global problem more people would complain. So I assume that the remaining errors are 100% on the side of the user.

Can’t be bothered to discuss this anymore pal, funny it’s worked ok for years but never mind, you ignore us all, couldn’t give a s__t now anyway.


More whataboutism. Not able to discuss based on facts

You are unbelievable you really are. but never mind eh.
Case closed.

Well once again you start a discussion complaining that you can’t log into the forums which is basically off topic here as the forum has nothing to do with it and when I answer and simply show you facts you say “Can’t be bothered to discuss this anymore”
So why start it at all if you are not open to pure facts and already have your opinion formed?

What do you want? Make a support ticket and show them your problem (Which by the way you never did here. You did not even explain it)
Why should VHTV be bothered to answer here as you are basically the only one remaining with a diffuse problem nobody really understands and you refuse to describe any further?
Robwins problems with the forums login is not part of the New Version of VHTV and can be ignored here and if he wants can discuss in separate topic or make a ticket to support.

Login on forum is global problem!

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Really? So why are only two people reporting this here? Do you think only two people are using the forum?

Du lĂŒgst , ich hab sogar dir wortwörtlich mein Problem erklĂ€rt !! Ich habe mehrere Tickets eröffnet nie ist was zurĂŒck gekommen !

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Because the others gave up😉