🚧 We're migrating to New version of VHTV

Ich hab ein ganz neues Problem bei der Timeline. Wenn ich z.b von Cam 1 auf 2 Wechsel (während des Schauens von der Timeline komm ich automatisch auf live zurück …


Jonr actually reported it as a bug in December and somehow it’s still in the system


Es wird immer schlimmer :-1::-1:


The error was gone for a long time. but today someone activated it again…


Gonna keep me money for now until things get back to normal in many ways.
Better in my pocket than theirs :joy:
Getting fed up reporting stuff now seems to be a bit pointless. :roll_eyes:


Hast du mal nicht gemeint bei dir klappt alles ?

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Getting past caring now to be honest.

You are tired of reporting without getting results. I understand that very well. :hugs:

Well it would be quite nice to get an update about a schedule for the fixes from @kaya or @busybee

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looks like admin are playing about with the site , every realm and camera "contact support " :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ermm not exactly rocket science to work that out


Rob is rightly irritated about it. He has stopped caring about reporting it. So he says anyway. :hugs:

its really not the be all and end all , ok its annoying but to let it wind you up like some members are saying, shows they have way to much interest in a semi porn site . lets be honest its not as though they really get anything that important from it that they cant live with out it . just my opinion and will probably get a few backs up , but i say it as i see it :wink: :wink:


I basically agree with you of course. There is some that lays a little bit too much “burden” into this and takes it a little bit too seriously. By the looks of things. Absolutely. :hugs:


Good evening, I don’t know what’s going on, but the cameras are slow to load …

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After the short timeout, the timeline now does something completely different than before: I press pause, wait a moment, and then press play… and jump up to a minute into the past :crazy_face:
OK, that’s not as optimal as it was before the new version, but it’s definitely better than jumping uncontrollably into the future

I didn’t have this issue in the previous version, now it appeared

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just tested what you said with the pause button and yes when you press play it goes back to a couple of seconds before you press pause , but that what members asked for to pause time ,so think that removes that issue now


To be honest I have stopped caring about it. Look for the bare necessities, the simple bare necessities, forget about your worries and your strives. :hugs: :heart_eyes: The bare necessities of life will come to you. Will come to you. Look for the bare necessities and laugh. :hugs: :heart_eyes:


As we are all unwittingly beta testing the new version, I am postponing (indefinitely) rejoining.

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some comments on the new version:

  1. I no longer see my credit for days and my credit for coins on the current page. But on the next page. is not useful and unclear.
  2. At the bottom I see 6 images of other active houses. The image is no longer current but is somewhat older from that day.
  3. I have lost some of my “My videos”. why is that?
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