🚧 We're migrating to New version of VHTV

No problem, but it is indeed a problem if interface does not properly change upon login. Again, kindly asking you to help us replicate this issue some more times whenever it’s convenient for you to do so. We will be able to locate the issue and will fix it for everyone then

Ah, y tampoco me aparece el icono de loguearme( siguiendo con la linea de diseño para celulares), sino que para hacerlo tengo que presionar alguno de los botones o camaras que sé que me pedirån suscribirme o registrarme.

Please tell me what are the advantages of the new version of VHTV over the old system?

Thank you for your report. I agree, the scaling in your example should allow for lists to be extended. It seems like custom scaling is used in your case. Could you please share information on your display dimensions (the system/device dimensions you’re browsing with) and which scaling value you may be using in your browser? This will help us replicate your environment and to understand how scale our interface properly too

monitor: 4k (3840x2160), with 100% scaling.
browser: scaling is unchanged at 100%
When I’m not in full screen, the browser is on the left half of the screen, i.e. half the width. This means that the live image is in the upper half of the browser/top-left quarter of the monitor and there is plenty of space underneath, as you can see in the picture above

I remember that you only changed one parameter back then; I looked at it in the source code of the page and compared it. But since that was solved at the time, I didn’t bother to save this change as a note :frowning:

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Please consider there are none for end user as for now. There are slight improvements introduced, as well as slight inconveniences too. Nevertheless, this is a step forward for us to be able to improve the service the way our subscribers would like for it to be improved in terms of long-waited features. The old version should be considered as deprecated and not expected to come back to life anymore.

Sorry if it makes experience worse for you. We do commit to make it better as quickly as possible

Thanks. Would it include a step towards transcripts at all please?

AS free user can’t longer hidden previews. or see what happen on the live bar whitout can’t see video from that like before. This goes worse

New model of the video reproductor makes can not longer hidden previews. for Non premium users. before we can hidden it, now not? Only to me or u can do it guys?

This is a very interesting and complex task which we certainly researched already. So far I can say the technology made a big leap forward to make it certainly possible for VHTV one day, BUT, we need to improve our audio quality first. For as long as we have potato audio quality and inconsistent volume levels of activities recorded, it won’t be possible to make audio transcriptions possible & reliable.

Please see the explanation below:

okay call me a silly old fool ,but the only difference i can see is the screen looks brighter , or is it just me whos had a miraculous improvement of my eyesight over night


Everything works fine by me as of per now. :hugs: :heart_eyes:


You’re lucky one! Personally I’ve got a color invertion eyesight this morning
 Oh wait it’s our night-mode feature!


always could thats not new :grinning:

Confused Pokemon GIF by hoppip

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Always enjoyed the light mode the best actually. Just a matter of taste. :joy:

You’re a silly old fool. Ok request now completed.

:crazy_face: :rofl: :rofl:


Wenn du ganz runter scrollst siehst du Forum stehen ! In der Tat ich finde es nicht so toll ! Es war praktisch oben gleich auf Forum und Archive zu klicken . Ist es Möglich eine Funktion einzubauen , wenn man drauf klickt dass dass alte Design wieder zu sehen ist ?

i replied to @BusyBee comment about the darkmode but soon as i clicked enter his comment disappeared making me look even dopey than i already am :crazy_face: