
very nice . lets hope she joins on , its about time there were some loder people on here , they could show the youngsters a lot

Would certainly be interesting :heart_eyes:

can only hope

She was very careful last time not to expose very much unfortunately though legs looked quite nice.

missid that , but no where to hide in this apartment

Well there is as half of the bathroom is out of cam shot which is a shame.

just hope the mirror isnt steaned up

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That’s mostly out of shot as well :laughing:

just hope she doesnt realise and stays in shot


looks like a quiet night here tomight

Well Wendy left m____r and went out at 23:14, not very sociable eh :laughing:
Where she is off to god knows but she ain’t at Henry’s or Shana’s, yet!!!

She’s at her m____rs :rofl:

Smartass, but mummy wamts to be careful she’s exposing herself unknown to herself, naughty mummy :laughing:

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Could be that Wendy allowed her to stay conditionally: she had to attract viewers herself. :joy:

Well this is her 2nd visit recently so looks as though she’s settling in very well, just needs to get over a little more shyness :heart_eyes:
How are you anyway not seen you around for a while :two_hearts:

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I’m good. I have been lurking, mostly around Wendy’s apartment and following your commentary. :kissing_heart:

Haha good to know at least one is following me :heart_eyes:

LOVE the older honey !!! She’s welcome to stay around…

Nice mummy eh :heart_eyes:

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