
Wendy’s pussy is very busy these days she has become the specialist in threesomes, it’s Wendyful time for her lol



Brings a new meaning to the word hot :rofl:

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Well, at least she’s willing to try. They need more practice

I think it was only the boys willing to try.

Wendy gave a clear njet when one was in the pussy, and the other went into the butt, and it seemed to hurt her this way.

Later the second one fucked her in the ass, but without the other dick in her, and she could/wanted to handle that.

One step at a time

All guys have it in their head, a girl can’t resist dp

I swear

this guy in Wendy’s room would be close to a dead ringer of Famous Skateboarder Tony Hawk…


He is pretty cute

Is Wendy “introducing” Koen to her m____r :rofl: :rofl:

Would be an experience, go on mum fill yer boots, bet she would love to really :laughing:
Can’t see it happening to be honest but would love to see it :laughing:

I rather meant:

Hi mom, that’s the guy I was living with, but we never made it to the ring-thing. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Maybe he changes his mind, or he’ll be lonely for the rest of the night. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

When the latter would be the same as shooting herself in her own knee. :joy: :joy: :joy:

The correct term is foot by the way :laughing:

:joy: :joy:

that depends where you come from.

Ask @jabbath1987 what it is in his home-country. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Not surprised :laughing:

Language class tonight? :grin:

In Norway the expression is “To shoot oneself in the foot”

Let’s hear it from other countries then :smile:

American saying… is to shoot oneself in the foot also

I thought to “shoot oneself in the foot” was common worldwide but it seems not in Germany :rofl:

John Wayne often did it :rofl:

Perhaps they have trouble aiming :laughing:

To be fair, there are probably variations around the world, maybe even within countries.