
Hey pal you wanna change your name to Grumpy i think :laughing:

Which three for interest?
I know Faye is one, Sergio’s partner the other and Lyla, surely there have been others?

jabs quote , so if your expecting a reply you have a long wait lol

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the lord almighty is turning into the grinch , or as one eyed paul would call him “sad act” thats a line from kevin n perry for those not in the know lol

If you take Melissa & Sergio into account too they would be five. I did not count them as they changed their names back again. :wink:

Still a name change. !!!

How about Christine who is now Jesse, yet another for your original list of three :laughing:
Numbers are growing steadily :laughing:

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Okay let it be 10 at all. Still less than 1% :wink:

Only a statistic pal, as the old saying goes, “There are lies, damn lies and statistics” :laughing:




Wendy and the new couple busy with Kano, everybody about to come,

here come Henry and Mira…good night

checking passports.

I guess Blondie had to show hers at M&H too.

This seems to have become an issue lately. Not too long ago I saw Wanda procuce hers at Vegas.


Can’t understand why they don’t do that confirmation check before being indeed on cams, they are already on cams so what’s the point… Here they even only did it after the sex work in bedroom

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Women and logic are simply not compatable pal :laughing:

Tess disappointed me, I thought she was a lesbian and now I’m crying

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:joy: :joy:
Sad Girl GIF by Etos

Tess is as bi-oriented, as Wendy is.

It was obvious last night, that Tess was interested in Wendy, she took any opportunity when Splinter left the room to jump Wendy and kiss.

Splinter was interested in Wendy and vice versa, but Tess didn’t want to give up a bit of him.

Will be interesting when they visit again, and hopefully Henry doesn’t intrude.



Great to see Mom stopping in for a bit… She’s looking good…