
Wow insider information eh pal :wink:

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I was hoping so, that’s why I wrote “preparing” . :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

At least it’s waterproof, she showered with it. :wink:

Wendy, when are you getting rid of Kano?

She might want to keep him as a toy to play with.

I think Kano takes it up the ass too!

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Mira & Henry


Well strangely they seem to like each other.

She put on a temporary stick on tat tattoo at M&H’s
place tonight.

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let’s see if it’s on telegram soon :wink:

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Gabriella and Mia

Does anyone know who the girl in the white top is?

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She is new. No name yet. Also Nero is visiting.

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this deserves a pro-wendy thumb that doubles as an anti-tanya thumb

Obviously dumb as well as stupid :laughing:

I have no problem with that… and I think I’m not the only one

btw: :+1: :fire: :heart: :-1: …did he/she/it really just need 4 tries to get the right picture?

:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: See what i mean :rofl:


Seems to have nice ass and titts. :heart_eyes:

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