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Fayebulous still walks funny, don’t know if from whatever she had, or from sitting on the showerfloor. :rofl: :rofl:


S___ping beauties :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



Faye has always had a slightly odd gait. Not as extreme as when she was in pain, but she’s actually always “waddling”… :sweat_smile:

Faye left and went to H&M and got in the bathtub there. dont look like H&M are even home

if we are going with WENDYlicious and FAYEbulous then surely we have to go with MIRAculous as well.


Great idea :+1:
Happy Daniel Bryan GIF by WWE

And HEN(N)RYder or what? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

looks like Faye has mooved in

For those not following the Mira & Henry thread, Faye left there with her belongings and now here at Wendy’s…

Thinking even for a visit this is a better fit than the younger generation with the older generation. That’s only ok for only so long, and this is coming from an old fart. Have to say I liked how she kept Henry at bay. But then I have no idea as to what the agreement was to her staying at Mira’s and Henry’s.

Is wendy now supporting 2 people, i hope not and they will pay their way.

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mums back :grinning:

Sorry I don’t understand you meaning of “10”. If you would please be so kind as to enlighten me…thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

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I agree, I sometimes see someone post “10 characters” which I assume is a reference to some curse word, But I’ve never gotten it!

I think it’s a reference to the fact that your post has to contain 10 characters!

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I think it means saying thanks 10 times

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OK Why not just say thanks and add an emoji which is by itself more than 10 characters long?

Thanks, :+1:

Can we go back to the topic now?

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I’m not seeing her… Hope it’s true and she stays a while… She’s a dish for us older guys.

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