I could be very wrong as I don’t know Faye’s medical history and this is only speculation on my part. And with no medical history, physical exam, lab work I only go with what I see. I going to guess she has Tardrive Dyskinesia.
"Symptoms of TD include uncontrollable movements of the face and body such as:
- Facial grimacing (commonly involving lower facial muscles)
- Finger movement (piano playing movements)
- Rocking or thrusting of the pelvis (duck-like gait)
- Jaw swinging.
- Repetitive chewing.
- Rapid eye blinking.
- Tongue thrusting.
- Restlessness."
I have seen all of this in her.
I suspect if my assumption is correct and in retrospect having seen how animated she can be (and even more so now) she has had this condition for a while. And has probably been on a medication for it. She has ether not been taking her medication or needs adjustment to it.
As I said, this is not a diagnosis, but a guess on my part.