Marica is going to join mikl now
Well she seems to do what Henry says, if Henry told her don’t turn down any of his friends, who knows
He’s leaving?
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He leaves when he realises he’s not getting any
Well then maybe he’s headed over to J&T, that is an easy yes for him!
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Like Mikey that kid in the commercials, she’ll eat anything lol
When he fails, he leaves… unlike others…
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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Mira & Henry
ok… looks like gang will all be here tonight… I spot Mira and Snoopy
Did they kick out mikl lol, or is he as___p
He needs to be sent back to the lumber yard
Somehow I think the only wood he’s interested in, is the one marica will gladly sit on
Just wondering if his bark is worse than his bite