Wendy & Koen

Marica is going to join mikl now

Looks like Felix is going to try to get some Wendy!


Well she seems to do what Henry says, if Henry told her don’t turn down any of his friends, who knows

He’s leaving?

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Felix is gone so,

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He leaves when he realises he’s not getting any

Well then maybe he’s headed over to J&T, that is an easy yes for him!

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Like Mikey that kid in the commercials, she’ll eat anything lol

When he fails, he leaves… unlike others…

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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Mira & Henry

ok… looks like gang will all be here tonight… I spot Mira and Snoopy

Oh Yeah Dancing GIF

In many apartment is today massage evening …

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Massage interruptions …

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Who likes it, M. with the house rats (on the Paycam)

Did they kick out mikl lol, or is he as___p

He needs to be sent back to the lumber yard

Somehow I think the only wood he’s interested in, is the one marica will gladly sit on

Just wondering if his bark is worse than his bite :laughing: