so my question is why is it so sunny at 5am?
Serious face Indira.
MMmmmmmm …a naked Indira in the bathroom…it has been tooo long!!..i would have said that going commando in front of Koen could be risky…I know he is a good guy and all that…but even so!!
Kostja and indira are staying awhile today
i do miss this girl ,maybe the best ever girl on VHTV
Well cross your fingers, it’s possible their new apartment becomes a new realm
i do hope so ,it would be nice dare I say that Indira have a place of her own
She and kostja deserve it, they fought through people undermining their relationship, and look at them now
They have been there since Saturday(?)
What would the s___ping arrangements be with 5/6 of them in the apartment?
Yup they have come a long way. They no longer have an apartment, no longer are participants, still s___p on a couch in the living room… Things are like night and day for them now.
That doesn’t matter ‘‘Love conquers all.’’ Lol
Have fun feeding your family and paying rent using only love.
Sorry perhaps the LOL did not sufficiently identify the sarcasm.