Wendy & Koen

Right now I see 2 couples that are best friends,

And I think this is as much as we get to see tonight from Indira:

She is covering up.

Maybe VHTV didn’t make an appropriate offer LOL

She and kostja probably remember how much guests make, from their nights at M&M, before they officially joined vhtv as participants

Indira seems in mood, based on that crotch rub

And Kostja signaled how much he is.

If you consider how deep Indira looked into Mikl’s eyes upon arrival…Who knows,

or was it just the vaporizer she wanted ? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Mikl can barely stay awake

Not surprised…he hardly had time to put any clothes back on last night!!

Looking at what we are saying about them?

:face_with_monocle: :rofl: :rofl:

@koen @Shana Would love to see some of those sexy erotic pics you taken. what social media site do you use? Twitter?? Instagram?? ETC?? Please let us know so that we may all enjoy them

Marica says, time for mikl to stay awake

Then she should think of “something” to keep him awake. !!!

She’s also kind of teasing him

Isn’t a Blow-Job good enough?

Whatever works

It looks like their nighty sandwich and snacks run

think they are all going out

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If Marica goes to Shanas’ will she take them with her?

I’m guessing they’re not going to anyone’s party, just sandwich run, but could be wrong, plus mikl at shana’s, asking for fireworks

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They’re back as expected

Marica back in the Leg compression thing?

What happened this time?