Wendy & Koen

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@NotSeth Besides the obvious questions: So what if they post a lot of posts? and who are we to tell them not to?, isn’t it kind of embarrassing that despite your constant pleas and complains they still do it? It looks like they are ignoring you. That’s what happens when one has no leverage. There must be some other way to ease your pain. How about out you trying harder at what you have promised yourself to do, remember?

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and Wendy now gets her special time with Koen. Equal opportunity for everyone in the household

Indira and kostja have a great relationship with everyone in this apartment, so they’ll always be invited it looks like at least once a week

Having watched both apartments now on catch-up there was an awful lot more fun at T & Js

It’s a joke not a dick no need to take it so hard my friend. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

snack before eating…

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I hope that table is stronger than M&Hs’ was

oh, did i miss something? So far I’ve only found stable tables … except for the coffee table from Y&F, which fell apart with normal use :wink:

Even the kitchen table at T&S was stable enough for sex

Those a big fancy earrings Marica is wearing around the house

ok… looks like party is schelduled for here tonight… lot of food prep going on

Lots of food, so Debbie and Paul must be on the guest list

When I think back to how “prude” Wendy was in the beginning, it’s amazing that she’s pretty much naked now and fucking like a bunny.

Could it have been Troy leaving that changed her personality?

Mikl left, probably is Shana going to be at the party, and he avoids trouble.

at least he took the garbage bag out with him.

I see Henry didn’t take long to begin

Mikl couldn’t miss the fun

Quick take Shana off the invite list! Mikl is back

It might have been another time, but I recall Mira and another girl in the kitchen. The girl was all over Mira, to the point where the table gave way. Fortunately Mira wasn’t injured, but it was a scary finale to a hot session.