I haven’t liked him since January 23, the day he wouldn’t leave indira alone until she gave in and agreed to one more gang bang with his friends. The way he ordered Jirina to kick kostja out of the room, because he feared she wouldn’t go through with it if he stayed. She was very nervous, figity, her hands were shaking, and Tejo even told her it was ok if she said no. It was obvious she didn’t want to hurt kostja again like she did at T&J on January 6. It was disgusting the way he sent mikl in next, i was pissed at him for not saying no, since Kostja was his friend. My reasons for hating Henry was his early treatment of Kostja and Indira, and thankfully he finally accepted their relationship and that she won’t do anything without kostja being next to her after that him shoving his cock in the face of guests who don’t really want him doing it. That’s my rant, and yes I’ve seen all the videos of the gangbang before and after, and she put up a brave face after pretending to be happy, and wanted to not do that ever again