donations… votes… porno agency
humm, welcome back spygasm
Edit: I forgot to add the latin places (indeed are the same dudes lol)
donations… votes… porno agency
humm, welcome back spygasm
Edit: I forgot to add the latin places (indeed are the same dudes lol)
That’s what I agree on as well. We don’t want to artificially bias the apartments in any material way, if it makes sense.
Yea you all have a point. It would just turn into spygasm if given monetary gifts. I was saying to give them the “top spot” ,whatever that is, as featured for the week and people could donate if they want to or not since the button is already there. Then again, if they are already attracting viewers they should already be getting donations from people. So feedback would be the best, which is why I said it would be good for them to know why viewers liked them.
But the votes should come from paid viewers, and also not the participants because it’ll skew the results.
That’s a good point, yet may be controversial to some. This is totally possible, though. You can refer to official guide here: Creating and managing polls - Using Discourse - Discourse Meta
You will be able to limit polls to paid users starting from next or other week. We will be working on that soon.
I won’t agree that participants should be excluded from voting. Let them like any apartment, even theirs. Why wouldn’t they be able to vote? In the end, if the main value of the poll is to give everyone a feedback, what incentive would it be for anyone to rig it their favor?
Well that settles that. Smh
No need to limit it to paid viewers at all. Everyone has the right to view the site (however THEY choose to do so) and use the forum so why not let them vote?! And yes, let participants vote. After all, they themselves view other cameras, as we have seen.
Yes the participants should be able to vote! But I was thinking that it could be tilted in one of their favor if they had a critical mass of friends vote for them for example
However this a moot point since the next polls will only be for paid users. For fun I’ll also create one for everyone else so we can have eveyone’s participation
Why?! Just have one, as there really is NO need to exclude anyone at all. Please let’s not do that! By the way, i am a paying customer myself so just wanted to say that in case my comments were misunderstood.
I believe the best way would be running two simultaneous polls in the same time, showing paid-limited first, and hiding the unlimited poll cloned within spoiler
Hi, your poll could be here, call 9-POLL for details.
Because unlimited poll would be easier to rig, no matter what intentions there might be for that. If anything can be exploited - it will be done. Paying members have wider experience about the apartments within poll period, and this makes their vote matter more.
They know the feedback they have with their views
Anything that means directly or indirectly some kind of competition between places to be announced as top of something will bring “bad results” to natural behavior and progressively will bring more cam acting in places that don’t do it know. we have seen that already.
from this to kickout by losing a “donate” competition is a small step
I actually wear glasses, but despite that I still can’t see Demira on the list, could you help please?
The elimination of participants at Spygasm as it followed, was the stupidest idea they come up with during their short carrier; so, competition, rewarding, and the bar set up high - yes, but excluding as a result of voting, not really; hopefully that option won’t be on the table in vhtv
I like the idea of a regular poll, but i would not combine it with any reward to the partipicants. This should not cause an extra comeptition to them. It should be just for fun and information for the community.
To give more weights to the votes of the paying members, the number of votes could be reduced to 1 or 2 for not paying members. I would not exclude them from this, but i think paying members should have more weight.
Sorry, that can’t be achieved with Forum’s system Polls out of the box. We may, however, consider that for future development if poll thing will catch up
No of course not, we would like to stick to the core principles we had and will have when working with studios & participants.
Is it me, or is Jules missing? He’s the only one I’d vote for, and I don’t see him in the list
Is there an option to vote none of the apartments you currently have?
There are still people missing from the list…Jules for example.
Whoops I may have forgotten their names! They’ll be added back next week for the second one
Jules is missing. This is a mistake. There were so many and I had to split them at first. He’ll be added next week. Along with the option for None
I wonder is there a way to pin this so people know to vote