Viktor, Kye, Nena

Viktor & Kye switch often…


The country of Nonna-Ya Beez-Nes

Don’t be so mean…they are in Kenya-not-tell-from the weather

It shouldn’t be about the countries, but I can tell you, it’s not Germany. It’s a lot warmer in the country at the moment. :joy:

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Kye & Nena having fun…


Viktor & Nena are having fun again…


Nena butt views…


Nena’s pussy has really been putting in overtime to pay for next month’s rent…

With the way they have been riding her. She’s not going to have any treads left on the tires. :disappointed_relieved:

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Another excellent performance by Nena. As I have said before and while I enjoy their magic threesomes, Nena needs some support from another female to prevent her burning-out.

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Nena is prepared for future tasks with the constant stress :wink:

Movie night + (with reward) :heart_eyes:

What computer game needs 2 joysticks :thinking: :joy:

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Flight simulator?

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Honestly, this guest is in the apartment or not, it’s the same, she’s the same, very shy on shave, always avoiding the cameras, normal shower,or rather, also shy, avoided some, images, the rest of the day, it simply doesn’t exist


i’ll get hold of nena and alaska when i can.

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She will probably be gone in January. What with Dexter now a non-event and Viktor offline I am beginning to question my continued membership. I shall be OK tomorrow.

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Isn’t there a rule that participants have to disclose what these cameras are for and what they are doing?
Because these two girls were not told about the cameras and when they asked them,they were told something completely different and nothing about VHTV.

Yes there is.

This is strictly against the rules and not allowed at all…

Can you give me the timestamp please?

In this video -
around 1:23:39

After a long day they are back online :joy: