Viktor, Kye, Nena

As I said before I do not think there will be anything fixed til they move to the new house…

:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


Now “BDSM” is played. Hopefully it stays with the simple shackles…

Squeezing pimples, good idea in between :wink:

Once again, a good effort by our trio and a continuing non-event on the part of the other guests.

Kye you can’t put that (folded length of rope) in there! :laughing:

Well he has to experiment to see if it works or not. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Maybe he likes a challenge! :laughing:

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La cam 19 loggia reste encore bloquée! Cela note 22h12:51


Kye is like the guy who keeps crashing the party and doesn’t bring anything… Just poaches the pooty. Get your own woman and contribute to the party. Just a matter of time until Viktor is in the extra room…anyway

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they’re like two10 year old boys with the hot neighbor girl.

When I was 10, I stole a Playboy from the grocery store. :smiling_face: Victor hasn’t been as clumsy as he was in the summer for a long time. And Kye is cute, has always been horny for Nena and now he can always have her. Fits!

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This Kye ,was the worst thing that ever came into Vicktor’s life,they should have gotten rid of him before.He managed to steal that beauty (Nena) from him!

Payday :thinking: :moneybag: :money_mouth_face:



Looks like a meager yield though… :open_mouth: :sweat_smile:

Big bag with little content… :joy:

You can tell how many & how much they are worth can you? :thinking: :grin:

Oh well this could be the end of these two :man_facepalming:

Big argument going on

No, I can’t.
But the girl’s look speaks volumes, as if she’s thinking: Is that all??" :joy: :joy: :joy:

Now now you can’t go by looks alone, remember the hissy fit John78 got into when I went by a look Lyla gave to herself :rofl: :rofl:

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At this point i thought he’s going to hit her… :astonished: :astonished: Looks like she can not find some documents or something like that :thinking: :thinking:

No idea. Must have passed me by…