Viktor, Kye, Nena

I know….:sweat_smile: u do ur work very well…!! :joy:

Jabs, you gonna put him into depression if you mention the word “reported” again :joy::joy::joy:

I couldn’t care less about him :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue:

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One thing for sure this realm will gonna be most controversial than others…… (:fire::fire: on this road we will meet lot of haters and trollers…:love_you_gesture:t2:

Lord did great job….:sunglasses:

I can see that the Nena in love with Kye story will continue…she can’t take her eyes from him :thinking::thinking::joy::joy:

Hey Torey what does the K in your name stand for? Does it stand for Kindness? :thinking: :hugs:

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Don’t know i told them to remove numbers…:sweat_smile: may be leaderboard gone…… and they gave me K…!

Why didn’t you give them a suggestion to replace the numbers with? :face_with_monocle: :joy:

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I thought short name will be easy….like yours…! :yum:

Ok but I asked them to give them this name. You could have changed your name to NotTorey.

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Two geniuses blocking the cam :man_facepalming:

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Lo que me parece muy mal es que entre al foro de cualquier reino a enterarme de lo que pasado horas atras y solo vea multitud de mensajes de John78 y de ToreyK,discutiendo como si todos los foros de cada reino fueran suyos,
**yo opino que los participantes son como son nos gusten o no,pero joder tener que leer mas de 150 mensajes de descalificaciones personales en cada reino de media y ya harta, **
VHTV deberia tomar cartas en el asunto,venimos a leer y escribir opiniones sobre los participantes,no para estar leyendo a estos 2 señores como se ponen a caldo.

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Those bathroom tiles are really awful…

Could be a stove with a hotplate… :thinking:

I don’t see a cooking area anywhere else in this “kitchen”. :face_with_monocle:

Not the best solution, but you can block/ignore them, in the preferences menu.

pues llevas razon eso voy a hacer
pero se podian cortar un cacho para que no tengamos que llegar a hacerlo

Pero no me acuerdo como se hace