Viktor, Kye, Nena

Yes, very much so! :slight_smile:

I’ll take your word for it, I prefer Nena myself I was only making you guys aware in case you missed it LIVE :+1:

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Not sure yet but Kye might prove me wrong with this, tonight. :cry:

The same tonight :heart_eyes: :star_struck:

No, he came out of the shower, stood naked on the balcony in front of Viktor for a few seconds before covering up with a towel. Then he went indoors and put on a pair of boxers, before getting under the sheet in bed. It left me a bit puzzled, to be honest.

He can still take it off

Yes, let’s see what happens.

His legs are cold :thinking:

Well his top half is uncovered so if that bit isn’t cold…

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He has a warm heart :heart:

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Radiation of heat from within, if that idea is applied literally…yes that works!

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Even Viktor is not naked…

Yes I noticed that as well. I wish now, I hadn’t made those comments earlier as they have both proven me wrong, on this occasion! :laughing:

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Kye: Это очень смешно :joy:


Anyway, never mind. I am just grateful we can watch them.


I am actually pleased that Nena is having a night off. We have to look after our star performer. For those who have not experienced the tropics the climate can be enervating.

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He has done now! :slight_smile:


This guy is so sexy


He’s spoiling you guys now :wink:


Я закончил))) Идем курить и я спать

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