Viktor, Kye, Nena

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Not much of interest from our trio this evening unless you enjoy people watching. They are preoccupied about something judging by the whispering, and it might be related to their mobiles (maybe tracking?). Whatever it is I hope they are able to resolve it. There was a bit of a ‘domestic’ earlier with one of the other couples which might be related.

Let’s hope it is not visa related although I would have thought that the Indian sub-continent might be sympathetic to their circumstances. All speculation of course. However, rumours are now circulating that Kremlin is preparing to mobilize even more troops in a second draft.

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Our trio left early this morning to visit somewhere. Kye had a small rucksack on his back and had transferred a wad of cash from a money belt to his rucksack the night before. My guess is that they are trying to resolve visa problems.

Offline but I don’t think we were missing much currently.

by the way u r great moaner… :rofl:


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I wonder when they will finally fix all these problems? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Other realms are also having same problems…! Offline and cam issues…! :smirk:

Yes, too many cameras consistently offline and so much noise in literally every single room. Mind you, to be fair, Kye did address the noise issue in one of his posts a little while ago so we know what causes that.

The main cause is they use cheap bad equipment. Not on same level with the tech in all the other realms. And to be honest even that tech is already outdated nowadays…

Yes, 6 years down the line and…

…well I don’t really need to finish that sentence do I?! :roll_eyes:

But u r still here….:stuck_out_tongue::joy:

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They must have had a tiring day as Nena has crashed out.

And your point is :question: :question: :question:

James Corden Point GIF by E!