Viktor, Kye, Nena

There are other realms who can fulfil your wishes…. not every realm are same… some are couple, swingers, gay, lesbian but it’s their choice…. No body f___e u to watch their realm… u can choose according to ur choice….

It’s just been a few hours… and you’ve got 7! days spoken… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :laughing:

No idea what he said but I am a lot calmer since I put him on ignore :stuck_out_tongue:

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Go to hell…! Henry’s muppet :smirk: Look like viewers are taking care of Henry well…! :sweat_smile: You keep coming here to spread trolls so that u can downgrade this realm like others…!

I agree this place is boring as the people there do basically nothing BUT you can’t demand that they do what you want. That is not how it works.

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Just usual new Boring Torey stuff… anti-drama, anti-sex, anti everything…

But u r still here… and keep watching them…… May be u r still looking for something…:smirk:

See you would not miss a thing when you put him on ignore :stuck_out_tongue:

Suck My Dick GIF

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I thought Torey wrote the scripts and sent them to the participants through P.M.

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With all the offline time this place has I guess relocation soon… :stuck_out_tongue:

Offline GIF by SEOday

But if they would be going to stay in the lethargy like they’re now, it’s better to close that place down completely;

Fully agree, The idea of the place might be good the outcome is pretty much a failure.


you have the most comments in this topic :joy:

Looking at what is happening in the Realm, your statement is extremely valid :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

What is happening? Cams are failing and place goes offline. That’s about it :stuck_out_tongue:

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What does that have to do with the realm being a failure or not?